With the Guillemots!!!
Welcome to Meaning You Can Memorize's weekly Friday column, which will feature at least one new fabulous band to get your weekend started.
This week, enter the Guillemots. Where did I find them? Well its a long story, there was a short mention of them on
Take Your Medicine (a very cool music blog from Sheffield, UK), linking to a site that had posted their song "Trains To Brazil" available to download, a blog called
Green Pea-ness (um...right.) Well he had posted an 1100-word post rambling on about how amazing the Guillemots were, saying each song on their record could've been a single, similar to "Funeral" by Arcade Fire and Bowie's "Ziggy Stardust", and I couldn't resist the download (which unfortunately is no longer available for you all.)
How good are they? FABULOUS. As his Green Pea-ness said, "Trains To Brazil" really does have aspects of "Mr. Blue Sky" (ELO) to it. The song is just incredibly catchy, uplifting, and swingin' - yet surprisingly sophisticated for such a new band. I would try to make comparisons to other bands, but I can't think of any that would really do the music justice. The song "Who Left The Lights Off Baby" is great as well, as is their new single, "We're Here." "We're Here" builds up slowly to melodic empowerment, and "Who Left The Lights Off Baby" is not only funny but instantly likeable.

All three of the above songs are available for streaming (not download) on their MySpace site,
here. You can also visit the
official Guillemots site.
And they're currently touring! They're playing the Mercury Lounge in NYC on March 13th, (that was Keane two years ago, think about it...) and have (unfortunately) soldout two dates in London at Kings College on March 29th and 30th! (I know I'm not the only one hoping to somehow still get tickets!)
What are you waiting for? GO LISTEN NOW.
And while I'm at it, I'd like to take this opportunity to invite new bands to
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