Friday, March 10, 2006

Live Review: The Automatic

Stopped off at Barfly on Wednesday night and managed to catch the last hour of The Automatic show.

The venue was really packed, and the fans up front seemed very hardcore. Yes, there was some moshing and stage-jumping, a lot of teenage kids.

As for their live performance, they did rather well, especially considering the various technical difficulties they were suffering. Both "Raoul" and "Recover" were really well-performed.

There were a few other songs I liked, although there were a lot of songs I thought were just plain typical and unoriginal.

Overall, not bad for a bunch of guys as young as themselves - they have plenty of time to increase their musical sophistication - but for now it looks like their hormone-driven anthems are going to bring them to the top.

More news and tour dates available from the band's Official Site, streaming audio available from their MySpace.


Raoul - The Automatic
Recover - The Automatic


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"Got a hunger, can't seem to get full,
I need some meaning I can memorise,
The kind I have always seems to slip my         mind..."
                      -- Bright Eyes,
                  'Lover I Don't Have To Love'