Sunday, February 26, 2006

All In Good Fun

Stumbled across this hilarious caricature during my travels across the world wide web:

Sorry, did I say this blog would be meaningful?

Kids These Days...

Well, in the myriad of junk that the new generation is surrounded with from birth, there finally appears some counterbalance.

The program Pancake Mountain, a local cable show from Washington, DC manages to put together quality kids television with the best new music at the same time. A talking goat has managed to host Bright Eyes, The Fiery Furnaces, The Kaiser Chiefs, and Arcade Fire on the show.

Funnily enough, it'd be hard to find these bands on adult television. Which is why I hope the rest of the kids appreciated their good luck more than this one:

Visit their website for lots of clips from the show, including one of Arcade Fire playing "Wake Up" surrounded by kids and parents dancing around and playing along on the instruments.

The show was created by a father dedicated to producing quality, non-commerical television for kids.

Meaning You Can Memorize... slowly restoring some of your faith in humanity.

Men and Goats

In world news today, a rather odd item from Sudan.

Apparently, a man was forced to marry a goat after he was caught having sex with it.

My favorite quote, from Mr. Alifi, the goat's owner, "They said I should not take him to the police, but rather let him pay a dowry for my goat because he used it as his wife."

Besides being absurd, it is a reflection (a rather poor one at that) of the value of women and marraige in Sudan. Apparently the defining characteristic of being a wife is that your husband gets to screw you.

To top it all off, it would seem that now the poor local women have to deal with competition from goats.

Life is cruel.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Happiness

Fabulous new band from Brighton, performed at the Borderline here in London last night.

Best songs were probably "John" (which I would definitely see as their single) and "City Council." They (ironically enough) have been compared to The Killers. I think they've got something really original going for them.

Surprisingly, (esp in this day and age) they were actually even better live than they were on their demos. They're recordings are good but nothing special. Seeing them live shows their music in much higher quality - and really does leave you with an all over "happy" vibe. Go figure.

They haven't been signed to a label, so no album to buy as of yet. Free downloads available online, and visit their website for upcoming dates in London in March and April!

These guys have serious potential, and the lead singer's voice and charisma are charming.

You heard it here first!

A new beginning...

Welcome, friends and strangers alike, to my world of entertainment, "Meaning You Can Memorize."

Look forward to: new music, random reviews, upcoming events, and general life inspiration!

Luv Britt

"Got a hunger, can't seem to get full,
I need some meaning I can memorise,
The kind I have always seems to slip my         mind..."
                      -- Bright Eyes,
                  'Lover I Don't Have To Love'