Friday, April 07, 2006

My Humps, My Humps, My Not-So-Lovely Lumps?

So while I'm behind on posting a few concert reviews, I had to put those aside in favor of a quick inspired post about what our world will look like in 40 or 50 years.

You know how you look at the adorable elderly couples dancing to "Beyond The Sea" and other sweet old romantic 1940s songs and your heart just melts?

Well just what will we look like to our grandkids when we're in the nursing home "gettin' down" to the Thong Song at the age of 75? Will we change our thongs for Depends? Will we be setting a bad example for little Tommy when he comes to visit his grandma?

Or will this all look mild by comparison to whatever the young 'uns will be listening to by then? (What will their lyrics be about - necrophilia? Bestiality?) Maybe it will swing 180 degrees and they'll look down on us as immoral and loose, as they have a reactionary period where everyone joins abstinence groups in high school to be cool.

Just a thought.


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"Got a hunger, can't seem to get full,
I need some meaning I can memorise,
The kind I have always seems to slip my         mind..."
                      -- Bright Eyes,
                  'Lover I Don't Have To Love'