Sunday, May 14, 2006

Featured Artist: Beirut (Bandwagon, Moi?)

Right so anyone who follows mp3 blogs such as Brooklyn Vegan, Pitchfork, or Stereogum is probably already on to the fact that old-world sounding but Brooklyn-born Beirut is the newest in a long line of buzz bands for 2006.

Now usually I'm a skeptic when a long list of blogs such as this all bandwagon on a new act, claiming its the best thing since sliced bread. Case in point, you will never see me rave about Forward Russia, and I couldn't care less who Lily Allen is (I just know her music is nothing special.) I'm even less likely to enter into a debate in the comments section of a blog over who actually first "discovered" this hot new band (does the music even matter anymore?)

But here's a genuine exception - and something seriously original. Beirut's debut album, Gulag Orkestar, incorporates an orchestra full of mandolins, ukuleles, violins and glockenspiels.

Read Pitchfork's review or judge for yourselves. Downloads available below (as usual.)

"Postcards From Italy" is my personal favorite, it has a soulful yet danceable vibe, and really makes you feel back you're back in Mother Russia.

Visit Beirut's official site or check out his My Space. Better yet, if you're in NYC, buy tickets to see him live at the Mercury Lounge on May 22nd or at Joe's Pub on June 8th - I've heard he's still a little raw live, but that ain't bad for a 19-yearold playing his first shows (how depressing is that?)


Postcards From Italy - Beirut
Mount Wroclai (Idle Days) - Beirut


Gulag Orkestar - Beirut (iTunes Music Store)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I beleive Condon is actually from Arizona, transplanted to Brooklyn.

Sat Oct 07, 08:48:00 am BST  
Blogger Brittany said...

Ah, yes, sorry, thank you for the correction!


Sat Oct 07, 02:31:00 pm BST  

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I need some meaning I can memorise,
The kind I have always seems to slip my         mind..."
                      -- Bright Eyes,
                  'Lover I Don't Have To Love'