Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Taking a Stance: World Trade Center (The Movie)

Now I'm not usually the opinionated type (note: sarcasm) but here is a place I feel compelled to take a stance.

I understand that the Oliver Stone production of World Trade Center attempts to stay true to a story of two rescue workers involved in that day, that those workers wanted their stories told, that its not a dramatic movie about the whole day but just one microcosm, etc etc etc. (I've heard it all.)

And maybe, yes, this will serve as a dramatic reminder to those around the country not directly affected by 9/11 of the horror of that day. But what good will that do when there are still American (and other) soldiers dying daily in conflicts in Iraq - a war started (at the time) in the name of the War on Terror (namely, those who terrorized us on 9/11?) Isn't it a bit soon to be watching a historical docu-drama along the lines of "Titanic" and "Pearl Harbor" for an event that occurred five years ago, is still fresh in many people's memories, and, furthermore, is still influencing people's lives as we speak?

Not to mention the many people suffering from unknown breathing ailments as a result of spending time in Lower Manhattan - the health hazards and air quality problems as a result of the attack still haven't been clarified.

Having been a few blocks away from the Twin Towers on that day, it makes me (personally) sick to think of those events being made into a Hollywood blockbuster. I was in high school at that time, and I still can't really wrap my head around my emotions, having witnessed that magnitude of tragedy. It makes me both angry and extremely upset that one perspective of that day was made into a Hollywood event, now released as a summer blockbuster movie for maximum profit.

Bottom line: Isn't it a bit earlier for this? Plainly put, is it right that people will have a Friday night out, sit with the popcorn and soda, and have this as their entertainment?

Just a thought.

Another thought - I guess this does prove that no matter what you do to America, we will always come back with a way to capitalize and profit on our tragedies. Big business, big money. When does the "World Trade Center: The Movie" merchandise get released? Collectable WTC Action Figure Happy Meals anyone?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, I'm embarassed to admit I got here of the Facebook Notes page. Yech.

Anyway, I don't want to see this movie (except maybe to say "Yeah, I've seen it") and I sure as hell don't think it will be that good, despite reviews.

I don't think it's A. so bad or B. out of character.

A: Is it so absurd? People wrote books within months about the damn thing. It's the same concept, except these folks had the decency to wait five years - those book writers starting selling shit why people were still "missing." The only difference is that people can't be bothered to pick up a book, so the movie ends up being our brilliant way of examining things. *VOMIT* Five years is a long time, especially when the entire story is "LOOK AT HOW AWESOME PEOPLE IN SERVICE ARE!"

B: Titanic can't really count because it was so bloody long ago and movies weren't really in full fling yet, but check IMDB. Even though the event was 1912, you have movies about it in 29, 43, and 53.

Check out Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor Payback released in 1945 (4 years, right at the end of the war), Since Pearl Harbor (1943, under 2 years since. This is roughly analogous since it's about the heroic Red Cross) and the beautiful gem Remember Pearl Harbor, released to the masses less than 12 months after the attack.

Let's also not forget the COUNTLESS war movies made in their era. World War II movies (hell, CARTOONS, doesn't get worse than that) but especially Vietnam. A bunch were made DURING the conflict about how terrible it was. And, even though MASH was about the Korean War, do you think anyone will make anything 20 years from now about a bunch of guys laughing while working at the WTC? Maybe Michael Moore...

Anyway, what I'm saying is it ain't so bad. Avoid the knee-jerk response of "too soon" and who knows, you might enjoy it. Unlikely, but hey, you wrote all that and you just read all this so you've at least put some effort in. That counts, right?

Wed Aug 23, 02:51:00 pm BST  
Blogger Brittany said...


Yeah you do make some good points there. But something in my gut just doesn't feel right about this movie. Of course my gut isn't really a sound logical argument.

Maybe there isn't anything inherently wrong with this movie, but it does seem completely and utterly tactless.

Thanks for reading!

Tue Aug 29, 12:35:00 am BST  

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