Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Middle East Crisis/MYCM Will Return After These Messages...

As it is summer, we are all entitled (supposedly) to some kind of vacation. So off I go to Nova Scotia (Canada) to Cape Breton Island, all the way up to Wreck Cove, the most northern tip of the island (you have to cross over a mountain...) Once the mountain is crossed, the only sign of commercial life is a luncheonette and a convenience store. Scratch that, the latter just closed down.

Suffice it to say there will be no updates for the next week or so!

On to bigger and more important things, namely, the impending crisis in the Middle East. Although MYCM has (in the past) generally considered it too complicated a mess to even begin writing about, and to this day has no definitive stance on the issues at hand, an interesting article was printed in the July 10th 2006 issue of Time magazine that is worth checking out.

In "Remember What Happened Here", by Charles Krauthammer, a clear argument is made for why Israel needs to use the "disproportionate" response it has been using - namely, that Hezbollah wants nothing less than the complete annilation of Israel. Whether or not you agree with the argument, one has to admit that it is hard to see justification or defense for the Palestinian provocation in this example, following Israel's complete withdrawal from Gaza last year. Unless of course you are looking at it from a humanitarian viewpoint...

Read the entire article in full here, and feel free to leave feedback if you find any holes in the arguments or neglected facts we should know about.

And see you in a week or so!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought for the day: would any reasonable person really be put out had Hezbollah been completely eliminated? We have heard the endless arguments about Israel's right to defend itself versus the apparent disproportionality of its actions. Depending on your point of view, the conduct of its campaign has been somewhere between ham-fisted and criminally murderous. Its intentions, however, seem quite irreproachable to any serious democrat.

On the recall of Parliament sideshow, the BBC have done what the government wouldn't. There'll be a podcast of the debate here tomorrow. A cursory listen seems to suggest that the mother of parliaments has missed little other than predictable meanders down well-trod paths. It'd be interesting to know whether anyone in the Middle East, let alone in Washington, knows or cares what's being said in London. I doubt it.

Fri Aug 18, 12:16:00 am BST  

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I need some meaning I can memorise,
The kind I have always seems to slip my         mind..."
                      -- Bright Eyes,
                  'Lover I Don't Have To Love'